Fall Community Garage Sale

We will be holding a Fall Community Garage Sale on Saturday, October 12th from 8am until 4pm. Just like the Spring sale, I will be putting together a map of participating homes. I will send out a message next week requesting addresses to include on the map.

Fyre Lake Halloween Party

Fyre Lake Covered Brige Park

The Halloween party will be Saturday, October 19th starting 4pm. This is a free event open to all Fyre Lake members and their families. Please see the flyer linked below for more information.

Fyre Lake Trick or Treat

Trick or Treating for this year will be held on the Saturday before Halloween, October 26th, from 4:30pm until 6:30pm.

Fyre Lake Annual Membership Meeting

Sherrard Fire Department 101 E 1st Street, Sherrard, IL, United States

The 2025 Fyre Lake annual membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 2nd at the Sherrard Fire Station starting at 7:30pm.

Easter Egg Hunt

Fyre Lake Covered Brige Park

The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 5th starting at 10am sharp at Covered Bridge Park. If you plan on attending, please RSVP by text to Karla Engleking at 309-738-4780. Please include the number of kids and their ages. This event is open to all Fyre Lake members and their families.